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Dried Prune Puree


Suitable for: 6 months to 8 months old baby




Preparation Method:

Step 1: Soak dried prunes in warm water until they plump up or steam gently.

Step 2: Once plump and tender, toss into food processor or blender and begin to puree.

Step 3: Add liquid without sparing any. Prunes tend to become a pasty gluey consistency when pureed and the more water you add, the easier it is to puree to a texture your baby will tolerate.

Like apricots, prune puree will not freeze into a solid block.  The skins should not pose an issue however do be certain to keep a watch for baby’s adverse reaction to the possible texture.  You may wish to mix the pureed prunes with a beloved food for the first try.


Nutritional Value of 100g of Prunes:

1 Folates 4 ug
2 Dietery Fiber 7.1 g
3 Vitamin A 781 IU
4 Vitamin C 0.6 mg
5 Potassium 732 mg
6 Calcium 43 mg
7 Magnesium 41 mg
8 Phosphorus 60 mg
9 Carotene-B 394 ug
10 Vitamin K 59.5 ug


Benefits of Dried Prune Puree:

Prunes, which are dried plums, are an excellent source of soluble dietary fiber, sorbitol, and isatin. These compounds have been known to help smooth digestion and offer comfort from constipation problems. You may try this if your baby has constipation.

The vitamin K in prunes is essential for the smooth functioning of many clotting factors in the blood. It is also required for the bone metabolism.

Prunes are also an excellent source of vitamin A and β-carotene. Vitamin A is essential for your baby's eyesight. It is also required for maintaining healthy mucosa and skin.

Furthermore, prunes are packed with minerals such as potassium, copper, manganese, and iron. Iron is required for red blood cell formation. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure.

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